Sunday, July 17, 2011

Thief of Time

Sorry I haven't posted in a while.  I've been in Nevada for the past week and haven't seen a computer in four days.  Anyway, I'm going to post a review on Thief of Time, a Discworld novel by Terry Pratchett.

Thief of Time is about how one guy from Ankh-Morpork makes the perfect clock, one that can accurately measure time up to the smallest of units possible.  Unfortunately this would also cause time to stop.  Which means that the world, and possibly the universe, will end.  So while Death is trying to persuade the other three horsemen of the apocolypse to ride out, it is up to Lobsang and his master Lu-Tze of the History Monks to stop this clock from ticking.  Again, Death's own granddaughter, Susan, is pulled into the adventure, quite reluctantly, in a search to find the son of Time.  And of course, you can't miss the Death of Rats or Quoth, the raven (Po reverence, hint, hint) and a few Auditors are even thrown into the mix.

The world is coming to an end, yet Pratchett affectively adds his very unusual Discworld humor to lighten the atmosphere.  What with chocolate craving, human disguised Auditors and one very suspicious milkman, this is the book to read if you're looking for a good laugh.  As well as some very interesting and deep thinking.

Terry Pratchett is the author of the entire Discworld series, including The Colour of Magic and The Light Fantastic.  You can find Thief of Time on Amazon.


1 comment:

emandmgardner said...

I LOVE that book! It was so fun to read and I loved the Auditors of Reality and how Death and his buddies get rid of them!

Well, you can tell I love Terry Pratchett. =P
