Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Writer's Conference

I just went to a writer's conference last Saturday and it was very informative.  There were several one-hour classes I went to, emotions, dialogue, and brainstorming being a few.  The classes were taught by published authors, including Lisa Mangum and Julie Wright.

You'd be surprised how much you can learn by just going to a one-day writer's conference.  I know now that I could insert a bit more emotion into my books.  Then again, I also need to reign in it at a couple of places, seeing as how my characters tend toward mood swings.

I would definitely recommend that you go to a writer's conference in your area.  You can learn a lot, especially if you are serious about getting published.

I also entered a writing contest supported by this conference and ended up tying for third place.  I'll try and post my entry with my next blog post.


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